Terms of Service

In order to keep the business operation normally and continuously improve service quality, use of Misaka Network, Inc.'s service constitutes acceptance and agreement to this Terms of Service.

Misaka Network, Inc. may modify the terms at any time, customers will be notified for changes by E-mail they registered at our site.

Use of Services

You may use our services, provided that you are of legal age to form a binding contract and are not barred from receiving such services under the laws of United States and your country or other applicable jurisdictions. In order to access our services, you are required to provide current and factual identification, contact, and other information as part of the registration process. You are responsible for the confidentiality of your account information and for all activities that occur under your account. You are solely responsible for all content within your account. You agree to immediately notify Misaka Network, Inc. of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security. Misaka Network, Inc. will not be liable for any loss or damage as a result of your failure to provide us with accurate information or to keep your account secure.

Acceptable Conduct

You are responsible for the actions of all users of your account and any data that is created, stored, displayed by, or transmitted by your account while using Misaka Network, Inc.. You will not engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts Misaka Network, Inc.'s services or networks connected to Misaka Network, Inc..

Prohibited Usage

You agree that any of the below activities are considered prohibited usage and will result in immediate account suspension or cancellation without a refund and the possibility that Misaka Network, Inc. will impose fees; and/or pursue civil remedies without providing advance notice.

Resource Abuse

Intentional abuse of resources, including but not limited to consuming excessive network traffic, CPU powers or disk IO.


TikTok botting is strictly prohibited. Your account would be terminated immediately without refund if you're using our servers for TikTok botting.

Spam and Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE)

Misaka Network, Inc. has a zero-tolerance policy on spam, Junk E-mail or UBE.

You are responsible for traffic outbound from the IP space that you have purchased. You must respond in 24 hours once such a complaint to your IP address happens otherwise your related service will be suspended to prevent further impact.

Illegal Usages

Including but not limited to access to other computers, networks, devices, and accounts without authorization, transmission, distribution or storage of information, data or material that in violation of laws and regulations of the United States and your country, in violation of copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property rights.

Such activities are strictly prohibited and may result in immediate service suspension or termination without refund.

Proxies and VPN

Tor Exit / Open Proxy / Anonymous Proxy of any kind is strictly prohibited as such service often leads to illegal activities.

Please be advised that this only applies to Tor Exit / Open Proxy / Anonymous Proxy. You may use our services to run your own VPN service or Tor Relay.

Other Activities that considered as Harmful

  • Activities that damages Misaka Network, Inc.'s operation, properties and other customers.
  • Providing false information on any contract or application.

Invoicing and Payment

You agree that Misaka Network, Inc. shall be permitted to charge your credit card on a monthly, annual, or other agreed upon basis in advance of providing services. Payment is due upon invoicing. Service may be interrupted on accounts that reach 3 days past due. Accounts that are not collectable by Misaka Network, Inc. may be turned over to an outside collection agency for collection.

You agree that Misaka Network, Inc. may change service pricing and fees at anytime.

You understand that Misaka Network, Inc. may change service price if a financial shock happens and impacted the exchange rates, in order to continue providing services without interruption.

You agree that Misaka Network, Inc. shall add late fee to overdue invoices. Late fee amount may change at anytime.

Refund Policy

Misaka Network, Inc. promises a 24-hour money-back guarantee on all products that have not especially stated, excludes the circumstances below:

  • Apparent fraud
  • Intended service abuse
  • Targeted by DDoS attacks
  • You used more than 25 GiB traffic on the VM
  • Assigned IP address isn't working in a country where RIPE Atlas (opens in a new tab) doesn't have more than 3 active anchors (Effective 25 Aug 2022, Amended 30 Nov 2022)
  • Past history of refund requests, chargebacks, or disputes

Refunds will be issued to the original form of payment. After the refund is processed, the account may be used for future orders, however, it will not be eligible for further refunds.

Update 03 Mar 2024: If the account holder has previously requested a refund through another account, the account holder will not be eligible for a refund through the new account. This rule is effective for all refund requests made after 03 Mar 2024.

Uptime Guarantee

Misaka Network, Inc. provides 99.9% uptime on all hardware and network connectivity.

Customer Support and Liability Boundaries

Misaka Network, Inc. is responsible to keep our hardware and system healthy and operational. Misaka Network, Inc. is not responsible to programming or system administration for customer systems. For managed service, please consult our staff for quote.

Misaka Network, Inc. does not backup your data and not responsible to your loss of data. We continuous monitoring our hardware status to detect problem in advance, but you should understand it is impossible to prevent hardware failure or data loss in some occasions. Please backup your data on a regular basis.

Misaka Network, Inc. does not provide support for your customers.

Disclosure to Law Enforcement

This Terms of Service specifically prohibits the use of our service for illegal activities. Customer agrees that Misaka Network, Inc. may disclose any and all customer information including assigned IPs, account history, account use, etc. to any court who sends us a valid Court Order, without further consent or notification to the customer. In addition, Misaka Network, Inc. shall have the right to terminate all service set forth in this agreement.

Warranty Disclaimer

You agree that your use of Misaka Network, Inc. shall be at your sole risk. All services provided by Misaka Network, Inc. are available as is, without warranty.


Misaka Network, Inc. wishes to emphasize that in agreeing to the Misaka Network, Inc. Terms of Service, customer indemnifies Misaka Network, Inc. for any violation of the Terms of Service that results in loss to Misaka Network, Inc. or the bringing of any claim against Misaka Network, Inc. by any third-party. This means that if Misaka Network, Inc. is sued because of a customer's or a customer of a customer's activity, the customer will pay any damages awarded against Misaka Network, Inc., plus all costs and reasonable attorney's fees.

Entire Agreement

The Terms of Service (including any policies, guidelines or amendments that may be presented to you from time to time) constitute the entire agreement between you and Misaka Network, Inc. and govern your use of Misaka Network, Inc. services, superceding any prior agreements between you and Misaka Network, Inc. for the use of Misaka Network, Inc. services.

Last updated on